Marketing jobs 2020 and finding the right one

marketing jobs 2020



Looking for the best marketing jobs? I have good and bad news for you!

The good news is that you might find a job easily. And the bad news is that there are so many disciplines to choose from that you might end up confused in settling for one!

Marketing is an enormous field and finding such jobs is NOT hard, not at least in 2020!

As per a report by StudentsScholarships, there are about 167000 people employed as marketing managers in the United States alone. And that too with an unemployment rate of just 2.7%.


Marketing has become the trend of our digital age. The simpler it seems, the deep it goes as you slowly start understanding it.

With the rise in the number of companies, a lot of opportunities rose for marketers to play a very important role in the exponential growth of these companies.

Marketing is a broad niche and a very dynamic field that offers different positions to people of all strengths.

In this article, I would be telling you what marketing is, what marketers usually do, and what are some of the best marketing jobs in 2020.

Let’s get started.

Marketing: An Overview

We all have our own definitions of marketing. A person with just a slight idea of this niche can come up with his own definition. 

But, what exactly is marketing?

People usually say marketing is a process of promoting products and services through different means.

This is correct!

But there’s a lot more to it.

Marketing is not just based around promoting a product. A marketer reaches the core of the mind of a consumer and makes them believe that they need a particular product.

Let’s try to break it down!

The whole idea of marketing is to make a consumer realize that he is missing something if he doesn’t buy a particular product or service.

It involves market research, identifying who is willing to buy your product, promoting it to an audience and then moving it through different channels.

Marketing has an influence over a major portion of an organization like:

  • Customer Relations
  • Advertising and Sales
  • Business Development
  • Minor and major adjustments
  • Reach and Promotion.

Every company that aims to thrive should have a proper marketing department in place so that they could reach out to their target audience.

This brings us to our next section, ‘marketing department’.

Role of a marketing department

A marketing department consists of marketers designated at different positions in the marketing pyramid.

And in case you don’t know, there are different types and designations of a marketer, which I would mention next!

marketing jobs

The marketing department is the backbone of an organization that serves as the face of your organization. 

Not only does the marketing department reach out to your customers and investors, but it also makes sure your brand is reflected in a positive light all the time.

A marketing department could have an influence over a variety of sectors in your company depending on the size of the company.

Usually, some of the common roles of the marketing department are:

  • Producing some of the best and unique promotion methods.
  • Defining your brand in a positive light.
  • Managing and monitoring a company’s online presence.
  • Producing SEO-friendly content for your website.
  • Conducting frequent market researches.
  • Inviting more brand collaborations and investments.

How to become a marketer?

Marketing is a full-defined course. People from different backgrounds can enter this field and do really well actually.

Becoming a marketer is not something that you can do in a matter of weeks.

Of course, you can learn the basics or even different aspects of marketing from online resources, but completing a degree in marketing is like a stamp of authority for you as a marketer.

You still need to complete marketing and other related programs to call yourself a marketer and land in some of the best marketing jobs.

If you aspire to enter this field, one of the most essential things is education.


If you are adamant about getting a full-fledged marketing job, the most straight-forward and permanent solution is to complete a bachelor’s degree.

In most of the management courses, you are provided with all the necessary knowledge about marketing and other related subjects.

Towards the end of your bachelor’s degree, you are allowed to choose between different kinds of specializations ahead, one of which is marketing.

Some of the degree programs that can lead to a career in marketing are:

  • Business
  • Psychology
  • Journalism
  • Economics
  • Public Relations

These are some of the most common programs that can teach you some of the essentials of marketing.

But like I said, there’s a whole lot to marketing than just ‘essentials’.

And in case people find themselves interested in this field, they usually pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a graduate degree in marketing in order to specialize in this course.

You usually need some 4-5 years in order to do a master’s in marketing. And if that’s your goal in life, these years might just be some of the most important years of fulfilling your goals and becoming a marketer.


There definitely are a lot of ways you can learn marketing. Degrees and such programs might be a great start. But there’s nothing better than practical experience, right?

Internships offer a lot of value to the experience of a student. They are one of the best ways of entering the field and actually implying what you have learned. Your curriculum might be the best, but it still doesn’t teach you how to solve real-life problems when in different kinds of scenarios.

One of the most significant features of internships is that they help you realize what you actually love to do and what kind of marketing you prefer.

There are a lot of institutions and organizations that offer internships in marketing. 

If you are still in college, you can easily approach a few companies and offer your services as a part of an internship. These help you gain an enormous amount of knowledge and understand the concepts of marketing in a more practical way.

Marketing Jobs: Types and Careers

As companies are growing twofold globally, so are the opportunities and so are the designations for candidates.

With time, different concepts of marketing are evolving that are implied in organizations. 

As of 2020, there are different marketing disciplines that have their own roles and designations in order to fulfill your need for the best marketing jobs.

Feel free to take this article as a roadmap as to what you want to do and what kind of role you might want to fill.

Content Marketing Jobs

A content marketer is responsible for producing and distributing such content that is appealing and informative for the audience.

With a variety of channels, a content marketer could influence the audience to interact with the brand by different means.

The marketing content usually revolves around blog posts and articles on the website of the company.

However, modern content marketing also includes emails, landing pages, product descriptions, and newsletters.

For the sake of being a content marketer, you need to have strong writing and editing skills, acquaintance to content creation and marketing tools along with tracking metrics that influence the content strategy.

There are two types of content marketing jobs:

Content Marketing Specialist – The average pay is $50,000 and you need 1-3+ years of experience.

Content Marketing Manager – The average pay is $64,000 and you need 3-7+ years of experience.

Social Media Marketing Jobs

Social Media Marketing is just as it sounds. It includes promoting the brand or organization over social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or other such sites.

Not only do these platforms help in reaching out to an audience, but they also build a social community around your brand.

With tactics like ad campaigns and social media promotions, a social media marketer has to see it all.

As a social media marketer, you not only have to manage the social media presence of the company you are working with, but you also have to monitor the performance at every step.

Social media marketers have to monitor the conversations online, audience engagement with the posts, create the content for social channels and be up to date with all the social media trends and news.

The different designations of social media marketer are:

Social media Specialist – The average pay is $50,000 and you need experience of 1-3+ years.

Social media manager – The average pay is $55,000 and you need experience of 3-5+ years.

Graphic designers

Graphic design is another broad concept of content marketing that focuses on the visual elements of a brand’s website or other visual materials.

Right from ads to any graphics or images that are used in marketing, graphic designers are responsible for the creation of all this content.

The content from a graphic designer could be used over any newsletters, magazines or even social media campaigns.

The visuals are used in a variety of marketing campaigns, both in print and digital. Above all, the main target of every designer is to promote the brand through their designs.

Now when I mentioned ‘designers’, there’re are a few more types to it than just graphics. 

A company could hire designers for user interface (UI) design, UX design, visuals of all sorts and website layout.

The different designations of a designer are:

UX/UI Designer – The average pay is $100,000 and you need experience of 3-5+ years.

Visual Designer – The average pay is $75,000 and you need experience of 1-5+ years.

Creative Director – The average pay is $135,000 and you need experience of 7-10+ years.

Product Marketing Jobs

Product marketing overlaps between marketing, a product, and sales of the product. The marketers are assigned to one product or a line where they have to put their efforts into existing customers as well as raising new customers.

Product marketers help in determining the overall messaging and the establishment of a product. 

Customers don’t know about new products that are launched into the market. Neither does the sales team know what to mention about these products while selling them?

As such, a product marketer aligns both these operations and map the buyer’s journey to purchasing the product.

The different designations of a product marketer are:

Product Marketing Specialist – The average pay is $70,000 and you need experience of 2-5+ years.

Product Marketing Manager – The average pay is $113,000 and you need experience of 3-5+ years.

Director of Product Marketing – The average pay is $170,000 and you need experience of 7-10+ years.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO basically refers to indexing the content of your website in such a way that it becomes friendly and indexable to the search engines and easily found by your audience.

SEO is a vast topic and a combination of a variety of major elements in order to form a complete website that ensures people discover your business all the time and search engines don’t refrain from promoting your website at the top of their search results.

Search Engine Optimization involves the allowance of organic traffic from search engines. In case a user likes the product, he is likely to buy it.

SEO marketers usually have a lot of responsibilities in hand, out of which, keyword research and unique content are the backbones of their jobs.

The different designations of an SEO Marketer are:

SEO Specialist – The average pay is $50,000 and you need experience of 1-3+ years.

SEO Manager – The average pay is $70,000 and you need experience of 5+ years.

Email Marketer

Email marketing might seem like a very traditional method of marketing a company, but it is still effective.

An email marketer needs a single channel for the sake of reaching out to more customers through creative and engaging emails for company promotions.

Email marketing is a part of digital marketing. Your responsibilities include generating sales through marketing, engaging with the customers, putting out content that’s unique and fresh and analyzing the market trends to jot down some of the most interesting facts in your emails.

Email marketers don’t have different designations in general. Usually, the average pay is around $50,000 with an experience of 1-3+ years.

Marketing Analytics

Marketing analysis is more of a practical approach to the principles of marketing. It refers to managing and studying metrics data for determining the ROI of marketing efforts along with finding multiple chances for improvement.

Marketing Analytics is an elaborated process of involving all kinds of technologies and processes that the marketers use for evaluating the value of their efforts.

It is a broad concept yet could be distinguished by the use of metrics for measuring the performance of the marketing initiatives.

The data is gathered from a variety of channels which is further used to determine the marketing initiatives which helps in identifying opportunities for improvement.

Metrics are usually one of the main elements for identifying if the marketing efforts are driving revenue or not.

Marketing analytics have only a single designation and the average pay is around $60,000 with an experience of 2-4+ years.

Web Development Jobs

Web developers are probably one of the most wanted and the best-doing people around us. Their work never stops and their ventures never end.

Right from creating a beautiful website, to adding extra elements in it along with other features, web developers are the real foundation builders.

Web developers are more in demand with the growth of industries and online businesses. They handle everything on a website.

Right from building certain features to creating payment gateways and integrating different plugins in a website, web developers do it all.

There are three types of web development jobs:

Front End developers – The average pay is $90,000 and you need 3-5+ years of experience.

Back-End Developers – The average pay is $90,000 and you need 3-5+ years of experience.

Full-stack Developers – The average pay is $100,000 and you need 5-7+ years of experience.

The Bottom Line

Marketing is a wild asset for a company! As a marketer, you might be of great importance to a company and its growth.

While looking for marketing jobs, there’s a lot to it than just considering how much you are going to get paid.

One personal recommendation that I would like to give is to discover your field of interest first.

A common thing that you’d find in the marketing jobs that I mentioned above is that there’s a lot of overlap of skills. 

This, in turn, allows you to enter or transition between disciplines easily. 

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