How to resolve Facebook ads payment issues?



In anybody’s experience of running ads on Facebook or any other advertising platform, coming across problems is a common thing. While these problems are mostly technical, there’s no problem that a small fix can’t solve.

One of these problems includes the Facebook ads payment issues. What really happens is that an advertiser tries to run their ads through Facebook, but you are suddenly displayed with a message “There’s a problem with your payments and your ads have been paused”.

Now while there are a few easy fixes to the problem, the truth is that you’d want to fix this issue once and for all. That’s why we have compiled a list of a few tips to help you fix the payment failure in Facebook ads and how to resume running these ads for your business.

The prerequisites for combating Facebook ads payment issues

Just like Google Ads, you can often come across problems while running your ads on Facebook. 

Sometimes, there’s a Facebook payments problem, and sometimes it’s a completely different problem like your Facebook customer feedback score

So before we get to fixing the payment failure in Facebook ads, check whether:

  • The payment method you are using is internationally accepted
  • Your funds are sufficient
  • The bank information you provided is correct
  • Your card doesn’t have a limit
  • Your card used for the transaction isn’t expired

How to prevent Facebook ad payment failures?

While most times, making payments for your Facebook ads is an effortless procedure, you can still try the following methods to save yourself from the trouble of payment failure in Facebook ads in the future as well:

1. Keep sufficient funds in your account

Depending on the payment preference you have chosen (automatic or manually approved), it’s important to keep sufficient funds in your account to match every transaction.

Most times, the most common reason for Facebook ads payment issues is because of the lack of funds in the account. Before you start the transaction, verify if the funds are there in the account or if you need to pull them from another account.

Facebook can charge your account in two cases – 

  • when you reach your payment threshold,
  • Or when you reach your monthly billing date and there are any leftover costs

It’s always advisable to keep a backup payment method for your Facebook ad account so that you don’t have to worry about such problems anymore.

2. Check your payment method

Depending on your country, there are often instances where your payment methods don’t work. While Facebook does accept payments through almost every major payment gateway, it’s still a good idea to verify whether your payment method is supported by Facebook

The major payment methods accepted at Facebook are credit cards, PayPal, net banking, and debit cards.

Before you make your payments, try to verify your – 

  • account information, including the CVV code and the card number
  • whether your account allows online payments
  • whether you need to activate a particular service at your bank to make the payment

3. Disconnect from any VPNs and remote connections

There could also be issues in accepting payments if you are connected to remote connections that connect you to forgeign servers. 

Since Facebook has different payment methods for almost all countries, you’d want to make sure that your payment methods are the same as Facebook allows for your country.

Connecting to a foreign server or a virtual private network (a VPN), masks your connection online and thus keeps you from making a successful payment.

So try to make sure that you are connected to your local internet, at least till your payments are made.

4. Don’t run too many ad accounts

By default, you can manage as many as 25 ad accounts under your Facebook account. 

Having more than 25 accounts under your account won’t allow you to make payments. 

In case you are a Facebook advertising consultant or an account manager for multiple clients, you can create individual accounts for each ad account and give your account a general access to all these ad accounts.

This is specifically important when you want to run a flawless ad operation with easy ad account management and accessibility.

5. Check whether your Facebook ads manager has a spending limit

A spending limit on your Facebook ads manager means that it won’t be able to run ads when it crosses a certain budget that you have set.

Because of this, your ads stop as soon as they reach the spending limit on your account. While you can credit your account during this time, your ads won’t run till you either increase the spending limit or remove it completely. 

How can you check your spending limit? By:

  1. Going into the payment settings of your ad account
  2. Going to the Spending limit section and clicking Set Limit
  3. Enter the spending limit or increase it
  4. Click Save.

This is an easy method to keep track of how much you spend and how much you want to spend on your ads.

Resolving your Facebook ads payment issues

While running into problems with running ads is usually less, it’s important to know the right way out.

We hope our guide on resolving Facebook ads payment issues solved your problems of making payments for your ads on Facebook.

If you are struggling with running ads on Facebook or want to achieve the maximum potential of social media advertising, you can easily get in contact with us and we will help your business the same way we counsel others. 


1. How do I fix a Facebook ad payment issue?

If you are facing trouble with the Facebook ad payment, verify the following details:

  • The payment method you are using is internationally accepted
  • Your funds are sufficient
  • The bank information you provided is correct
  • Your card doesn’t have a limit
  • Your card used for the transaction isn’t expired

2. Why has my Facebook ad payment declined?

Your Facebook ad payment can decline due to many reasons. However, some of the most common reasons are:

  • Lack of sufficient funds in your account
  • Wrong account details
  • Use of remote connections
  • Running too many ad accounts
  • Account spending limits.

3. What payment methods do Facebook ads accept?

Facebook ads accept all kinds of major payment methods including PayPal, credit cards, debit cards, net banking, and more. There are also different methods of payment for different countries set by Facebook.

4. How does Facebook charge me?

Facebook can charge your account in two cases – 

  • when you reach your payment threshold,
  • Or when you reach your monthly billing date and there are any leftover costs

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